The Intravitreal Injection Podcast

Join host John D. Pitcher, III, MD, as he explores issues related to the patient's perspective of Intravitreal Injections, the most commonly performed medical therapeutic procedure in the world! Subscribe to receive new episodes as they are released...... Apple Podcasts

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Monitoring Your Macula At Home

Thursday Jun 18, 2020

Thursday Jun 18, 2020

Listen to a macular degeneration patient discuss how she monitors her symptoms at home, and Dr. Kester Nahen provides insight into the next wave of technology. Patients with macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, or macula edema due to retinal vein occlusion need to monitor themselves at home and notify their eye doctor with any new or worsening symptoms -- especially in the era of potentially limited access to in-office visits.

Thursday May 28, 2020

"Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye"  The thought of getting an eye injection brings anxiety to many patients. In this episode, two patients describe how they overcome their fears and two experts describe the psychological impact of intravitreal injections. 

Tuesday May 12, 2020

In this episode, hear from a patient who maintains her independence and 20/20 vision by sticking with her intravitreal injections. Also, Dr. Andrew Moshfeghi describes how blindness from macular degeneration and diabetes have a tremendous financial impact on society, and how anti-VEGF injections are able to prevent many of these cases. 

Tuesday May 05, 2020

This episode is a primer on intravitreal injections for any patient, family member, caregiver, or healthcare provider who wants to know the basics about what happens before, during, and after the procedure. Dr. Pitcher reviews this topic with Dr. Christina Weng, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and a Retina Specialist at Baylor College of Medicine. 

Sunday May 03, 2020

Dr. Pitcher interviews Dr. Roger Goldberg to find out why intravitreal injection schedules are critical to maintain during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the steps Retina Specialists are taking to enhance patient safety. 

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